
Interactive Multimedia-CDs

Zimbabwe Experience CD 

The Zimbabwe Experience | Simbabwe entdecken [bi-lingual Infotainment CD]
Within the framework of the twinning programme between the capital cities of Harare and Munich, this inventive and entertaining multimedia CD aimed at becoming a multimedia guide to culture, nature and society in Zimbabwe. Sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and the City of Munich. Director/producer: Julien Biere. Photography: Brigitte Weidmann. Graphic Design: Lydia di Bernardo. Music: Keith Goddard. Deutsch/English. Verlag Weidmann & Biere Publishing, 1998

Planet der Kinder, Vol. 1: Nauja, das Eskimokind – Interactive Edutainment CD
Children’s Planet, Vol. 1: Nauja, The Inuit Kid. Story by anthropologist Christian Adler. Edutainment disc for intercultural learning. Director/producer: Julien Biere. Graphic Design: Lydia di Bernardo. Verlag Weidmann & Biere Publishing, 1995

BodyArt Portfolio – Interactive Multimedia CD [German, English, French]
111 Masterpieces of modern nude photo art by Hungarian photo artists Zseni Jung & János Eifert
. Director/producer: Julien Biere. Portfolio CD with photos and soundtrack plus Photo Book. Verlag Photographie, 1994

PhotoArt Portfolio Stock Photography Series
People | Objects & Symbols | Water, Weather, Landscapes & Seasons | Architecture & Technical Structures. Verlag Laterna Magica, München

25 Years GTZ. A Partnership for the Future. Globally. 1999. Interactive Multimedia CD
2nd Edition 2001: GTZ – Facts, Figures, Insights. – German & English

Combating Desertification. BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
4th edition 2009 / 3rd edition 2007 / 2nd edition 2005 / 1st edition 2003. German, English, French, Spanish

Further GTZ project presentations and interactive CDs
Environmental Management in Tunisia, 2004 | Promotion of Agricultural Institutions PIAR, Tunisia, 2003 | Le Partenariat avec l’Europe. Tunisia, 2003 | Northern Sahara Aquifer System SASS, Libya/Tunisia/Algeria, 2003 |  Argan Biosphere Reserve. Agadir, Morocco, 2000 | EcoForum 2000. Tunisia (GTZ) | Family Planning Project, Essaouira, Morocco, 1999 | Environmental Management, Morocco. 1997 | Malaria Control 1994/95

Audiovisuals/Multi-Image Shows

International MunichMultimedia Festival, Gasteig.
[Left: J.B. and engineer Klaus Czich checking the multi-projector rig]

Commissioned work

Siemens Sinumerik Sinudrive
4-projector single-screen animation show for Hanover Fair. Client: SIEMENS

Nothing Compares to You
12-projector 4-screen panorama + lasershow for World Ski Federation (FIS) conference in Montreux. Client: Fremdenverkehrsverband Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

The Living Planet
4-projector single-screen show for Photokina Cologne 1980. Client: OLYMUS OPTICAL Co.

German Appropiate Technology Exchange – GATE
2-projector audiovisual show for Hanover Fair. Client: GTZ.

Die Disco-Dia-Show
Audiovisual / Video. Client: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung BZgA (Federal Ministry of Health and Family).

Energiesparen im privaten Wohnungsbau
7-projector single-screen multi-image show for Energy Saving Centre of the City of Munich. Client: Environment Department, City of Munich.

Geschichte der Hamburger Arbeiterbewegung
Audiovisual. Client: Institut für Film und Bild FWU (Federal institute for didactic audiovisual media).


 MunichMultimedia Festival, Kino Rio-Palast, Gasteig München

Non-commissioned work

The Power of Multi-Image
8-projector Single-Screen Multi-Image Show

6-projector 3-screen panorama show, live performance with Corsican group „Caramusa“ in concert

Die letzten Tage der Wälder
Media package/audiovisual & video.

Blick nach innen
3-projector mandala meditation. In collaboration with modern art mandala painter Mahirwan Mamtami

Jamaica – der bittere Zucker
3-part media package: audiovisuals + book

Angst in der Schule
Media package: audiovisual + didactic print media

Die Erfindung der Familie
Media package: 3-part audiovisual / video

Eines Tages werdet Ihr erwachen – die Rede des Häuptling Seattle

Die saure Geschichte der süßen Banane